Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and if I don't see you later…well then…Good Night!
The dust is settling; we have now seen our newly elected Town Council on the dais on two occasions, and we are a very happy group of residents! I suspect the Wanch Waggler chatter will slow a bit, and that is to be expected. But I wanted you all to be aware that Wanch Waggler is still alive and well in WEB BLOG land, and I would very much like to see you, the residents, keep up the dialog with each other, in conversations and news items about our town even if I can't enter in my witty comments as often as I used to.
The web log address is:
Read some of the comments that have already been posted. Join in the followers group. Check out my profile if you really wanna know who I am!
And it's quite simple to use. You can make up a blog name for yourself and enter your comments in an anonymous capacity as I have always encouraged. You can even be notified at your email address when a new comment is posted! Just follow the simple directions in setting up your Blog name and you're good to go.
The ousted councilman and his followers were bashed anonymity because it did not afford them the opportunity to retaliate against those who spoke out against them and their deceitful ways. One or two residents who did fore go anonymity got their noses minimally "bloodied" during the election so to speak, but I saw them at the installation of our new council on November 13th and trust me, they did not look any worse for the wear. Ms. Eileen Dunn looked radiant and Mr. Tony Vincent looked…well hell…he looked radiant too!
Anyway, I ask that you all take advantage of the new blog site. Talk to each other. We are a brand new Town today thanks to all of you who voted wisely. Even though my "biting" brand of verbal dissemination may dwindle, we should still talk to each other about the Town and its happenings, whether it is good or not so good at times. Remember that we are "We the People" and what we have to say is not only important but also it sure as heck is effective!
Happy Thanksgiving Folks! We have a lot to be thankful for, especially this November!
That's All Folks!

Wanch Waggler
I've noticed that since you put out this post with the blog address and the mention of your profile telling all about you, many curious folks have checked out your profile Wanch. Last time I looked it was like 85 views of your profile! I looked up cremudgeon and the more common (or shall I say "more American") spelling is curmudgeon. Is it true that you are an Englishman or of European backround? Just guessing, no need to tell. I like the fact that we have no clue who you are!
Just a spell chequer issue! Thank you!
- WW
I just heard that there was yet another ribbon cutting for the mound of dirt that runs along the C-11 canal. At first I thought this must be De' Jae Vue, but after checking your previous writings I see that this was already done on Saturday October 25th, 2008 so that Don Maines could get a picture of it in one of his campaign flyer's. Now again yesterday Saturday November 22nd they have yet another ribbon cutting ceremony for the same thing? What happened, they didn't get it right the first time? Or was the first one just a "photo op" for the ousted councilman Don Maines?
I'd like to know who foot the bill for both of these gatherings.
How many more of these "Groundhog Day" moments must we endure with Don Maines again posing as someone with some importance trying to convince the public that he is the man for the job? Is Don Maines already campaigning for 2012? If he is then I hope his campaign treasury paid for these two ribbon cuttings.
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