Dear Southwest Ranches Friends and Neighbors:
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and if I do not see you later … well then … Good Night!
Once upon a time a group of residents threw a banquet to recognize some of the people who had live longest in SWR, contributed their time selflessly, and were getting on in years. The Volunteer Dinner event took a lot of work and many toiled to make the evening very special.
Alyn Kay was the MC for the evening, he did a great job but made one huge mistake. He didn't give enough recognition to one of the organizers. Or at least that's how she took it, feelings got hurt and friendship turned to dislike. We'll call this person Mee.
Fast forward a year. Astor Knight decided ten years on the council was enough and announced that he would not seek office again. Alyn Kay, after serving the town personally and professionally for many years decided to run for Astor's seat. Well, Alyn is one of those people that you either like him or you don't. Those who like him assured him of their support and his detractors began speaking to Gary Jablonski about running.
When Mee found out the Alyn was going to run unopposed she made it her cause to find someone to run against him. Then, she thought of the gun dealer who sold Sunshine Ranches HOA some assault rifles that were to be donated to BSO. A number of people told her to let it go but she could not, the pain went too deep. She was going to show people what happens when you piss off Mee.
So the gun dealer, Jeff Dillard shows up to his first Town Council meeting, Mee introduces him to a bunch of people and the next day he registers to run. One of the people Mee convinced to support Dillard is Mayor Nelson. The Mayor has his issues with Alyn that go back to town contract issues between John Canada and Alyn that was a concern when the Mayor was a council member about six years ago. Since then the Mayor has supported very little concerning Alyn Kay. The Mayor threw his support to Dillard. A few days later Alyn withdrew from the race for health reasons. Gary Jablonski decided to run.
This new development turned into a major dilemma for Mee and the Mayor. Mee has been friends with
Mee's grudge against Alyn turned her world up-side down. She didn't really know Dillard but she got a taste when he felt slighted that the fledgling Rolling Oaks newsletter didn't send him a personal invitation to advertise in the upcoming edition. He introduced himself to the community with a frontal assault by viciously attacked the editor, a stay at home mom. He claimed she "dishonored and deceived the citizens" and accused her of "dirty politics". of Rolling Oaks is in his district. He then went on to dig up old issues by saying "I respect and admire the professionalism of the Sunshine Ranches Homeowners Association as they disseminated important information to the residents of Sunshine Ranches." Mee alerted him of the publication and its deadline. He concluded his attack letter to the editor by saying " Through your actions, you have further divided our community, not only the neighborhood of Rolling Oaks, but the Southwest Ranches community as well. It is my intention, should I be elected to serve on the Town Council, to unite the communities within our town, treating everyone with the same respect and consideration, as I would have hoped you would have afforded to me." Dillard's actions are screaming louder than his words. He is not a consensus builder. Many of the resident, not normally politically active are getting involved in
Next, Mee sat in on a SWR Presidents Council Debate prep meeting as a fill-in for the President of Sunshine Ranches. Keep in mind, the President Council does not endorse any candidates and they keep the debate questions secret until the debate. No copies are distributed but to the moderator. The Chair of the Council was sending emails to the various members with notes about the things that need to be completed and Mee was included on the emails since she volunteered to get some things done. What the Council didn't realize was the Mee was forwarding all of the correspondence to Dillard.
Next, Dillard the consensus builder aims his guns at the Presidents Council. He hurled all sorts of innuendo and misinformation at the Council, accused the of being corrupt and accused Gary Jablonski (who previously had never had any dealings with the Presidents Council) of using the President Council to manipulate the election. In his note he goes on to say " Many of the residents of Southwest Ranches are tired of seeing the same people making decisions on behalf of the town and are ready for someone new to step in who has not been a party to the unethical and corrupt practices that have been so prevalent in our Town." It's assumed he means the current Council. He also questions why Presidents Council emails "are also going to Councilmen Steve Breitkreuz, Doug McKay and Aster Knight." and whether it's "really appropriate for these Town Councilmen to be so involved in the campaign for Gary Jablonski". Perhaps because they don't like Jeff Dillard, its a free country and have every right to support the candidate of their choosing! The hypocrisy is stunning! While Dillard was writing he nasty missives, he had his supporters like Eileen Dunn out verbally hurling abuse at members of the Town Council and President Council with claims that Gary had the debate questions and that they should be given to her candidate.
By all accounts the Debate was fair, the Presidents Council questions were appropriate as they have been for the prior three debates, and they gave the candidates an opportunity to demonstrate, to the residents, their understanding of the Town.
At this point the debate is important to mention although the will be a missive dedicate to that topic. When the candidates were asked their views on districting, Dillard said districting divides our community. Well a little background first. When this town was formed there were three large HOAs. Sunshine Ranches was the grand daddy having been around the longest, Rolling Oaks Civic Association covered most of the middle of town and Country Estates covers most of the western portion of town. There were others too, but much smaller. There was certainly contention during the incorporation process when the group were completing for resources and implementation of their ideas but those have long been resolved and the hatchet has been long buried. No one addresses those issues these days in fear of resurrecting old grudges. It happens to be one of Mee's pet peeves. She believes that Sunshine Ranches doesn't wield enough power in SWR.
During the debate, after Mee's coaching, Dillard brought it up. The Dillard consensus builder said he really doesn't mind districting but he thinks they create divisions between Sunshine Ranches and Rolling Oaks. So why bring that up as an afterthought? Why through that in? Where did it come from, Mee?
Can the Town afford a council member who shoots from the hip? Does the Town need another council member that embarks on malicious attacks on the residents? Do the residents really want a representative who doesn't understand the governmental process that makes the Town work and insists on doing things his way? Do you want someone who attacks people with differing opinions? Would you vote for someone who is running for office to settle a grudge? If so, in my humble opinion, vote for Jeff Dillard.
That’s All Folks!!!
Wanch Waggler
If you feel strong about this post, please leave your comments.
You Little Waggler you!! You should run for office. You got it all figured out. I love's it! You got my vote. However it is SAD SAD SAD that all of this has come about for a grudge settlement of sorts. Because we as the fine good residence of this little town that could are simply caught unfairly in the cross fire.
You'd think as hard working tax paying adults we'd have better things to do with our time. Mee you hit a low blow to our town I am sorry some one had to say it.Put your good energy to better use.
Just a word of caution; don't mess with "Wanch Waggler", Dillard give it up, you have now received the official "political" kiss of death (ask your buddy don maines)!
“Mee” … just let it go. You don’t want to get into the arena with Wanch. Just back off … to be on the same side as don maines is tantamount to suicide (ask Jeff Dillard)!
Couldn't get this to post, can you for me? Thanks PS Great work! to me
show details 9:04 PM (1 hour ago)
I was there, I got the T Shirt. Anyone want to here about the flood gates....again... So how does every question end up with those darn flood gayes issue. This Me thinks Jeff could have used his time much more wisely, like to learn about the budget, important issues and how long he actually lived here, was it 12, 13 or 14 years... I can't recall..
Gary is a good, honest and hardworking family man and great SW Ranches resident. Step down Jeff, step down. Earn our respect one step at a time.
SWR Watchdog ;-)
Well- I adore 'Mee' she is a hardworking girl whose heart is in the right place, but her foot gets in the way of her mouth! And that is what gets her into trouble- not thinking befor she speaks! Jeff is not the right person for us now- wouldn't you rather have someone who did his research on the town and knew the answers to questions rather than spoon fed? Well- all the best!
Wanch Waggler said:
"Can the Town afford a council member who shoots from the hip? Does the Town need another council member that embarks on malicious attacks on the residents? Do the residents really want a representative who doesn't understand the governmental process that makes the Town work and insists on doing things his way? Do you want someone who attacks people with differing opinions? Would you vote for someone who is running for office to settle a grudge? If so, in my humble opinion, vote for Jeff Dillard."
With this paragraph alone I’d vote for Gary Jablonski all the way, but I must say this blog entry in its entirety was one of the best blog posts yet!
Great Job Wanch Waggler, Great Job!!!!!!
Are any of you people over the age of 15 ? i couldnt tell by the way you all gossip about each other, you remind me of when i was in highschool oh! that was only about a year ago . Word of advice growwwwwwwwww uppp!!!!! stop trash talking, and degrading people over the internet. What kind of example are you setting for this town that you so called "love",except for the dirty politics and slander you all practice . Give it a rest come together on somthing and actually try fixing things instead of living your highschool debate fantasys through my town that i grew up in .
great job wanch. three months between your missives posted is just too long. you are a talented and interesting writer. give us more, more often.
I'm guessing our newbie 18 yr old (?) is unused to how adults discuss things- Dear- these are our opinions- you were not asked to participate if you are offended. What would you call a debate? Word play? Guessing you are supporting Dillard. God bless the children and uninformed! So- do your homework (something Dillard has failed to do) and perhaps you will get some insight along the way. When you yourself pays taxes at the level we adults do- you might think differently.
Anonymity is fantastic! It allows one to say what is on one's mind without the repercussion of forethought or hindsight; however, more importantly it allows one to maliciously malign another human being without having to confront the person face-to-face. As far as I can see everyone has come out and maligned Mr. Dillard and is it really warranted? I was at the debate and I guess I wasn't watching the same debate. I listened to both sides and heard what each GENTLEMAN was saying. At no point in time do I recall Mr. Dillard maligning Mr. Jablonski in any way. It seems to me that this "kiss of death" you speak of should come to you, the “Wanch Waggler”.
It is amazing to me that anyone would take the time to read this blog. For future reference you might want to try grammar check before posting your "newsworthy" stories. Additionally, since you lack the talent of creativity the next time you attempt to assign a pseudonym to someone you should do it a bit more adeptly.
If the Town of Southwest Ranches is going to be run by someone that remotely shares your sentiments then the Town deserves whatever it gets. I think that you would be more critical to the fact that Mr. Jablonski could not make-up his mind as to whether the Town was fiscally responsible or not. Volunteerism is great and rewarding and beneficial; however, it is not the sole criteria to judge whether someone is capable to be a sitting Council Member and by the looks of things and those currently holding seats maybe it is something that we need to examine a bit closer.
"I'm guessing our newbie 18 yr old (?) is unused to how adults discuss things- Dear- these are our opinions- you were not asked to participate if you are offended. What would you call a debate? Word play? Guessing you" are supporting Dillard---------------------- Thats interesting due to the fact im not a supporter of anyone , im just astonished by the level of immmaturity you all seem to withhold. Maybe you should spend your time and energy into your families and whats important instead of bashing each other like a bunch of school girls.You do relize that its your mistakes that have an effect on my generations reputation. Do you really think by blogging about your problems and fustrations is whats going to help this town .wise words from Miles Coverdale "That whych thou cannest do conueniently thyselfe commytte it not to another."
For those of you; which i assume are the majority by the looks of your literature that dont understand this allow me to translate. if you want somthing done right do it yourself . dont talk about it, we all know talk is cheap.
Oh dear- to make it plain- I'm Debra Goff-Rose- known to some as Red- since the last gentle person wasn't keeping close score- Mr Dillard said (I have on tape) he was with "Law enforcement"- managing (so the corporate papers list) a gun shop doesn't make him law enforcement- sorry- and please note he didn't know the answer to a question unless Gary answered first. We aren't asking for rocket scientests here, but a bit of homework would be refreshing! WHY is that so hard to comprend??? You say it's amazing that anyone should read this blog, but here you are, not only reading, but responding- um- rocket science???? Please- you can be for Dillard- that's fine- I wish you well, I just don't think Dillard is ready for this role in life- needs to do abit of ground work- If you have an issue- I'll be at the Town meeting tomorrow- I'm not hard to miss! I'll be in the back with the other 5!!!!!
@ Anonymous October 19, 2010 8:25 PM
"Anonymity is fantastic! It allows one to say what is on one's mind without the repercussion of forethought or hindsight; however, more importantly it allows one to maliciously malign another human being without having to confront the person face-to-face. As far as I can see everyone has come out and maligned Mr. Dillard and is it really warranted? I was at the debate and I guess I wasn't watching the same debate. I listened to both sides and heard what each GENTLEMAN was saying. At no point in time do I recall Mr. Dillard maligning Mr. Jablonski in any way. It seems to me that this "kiss of death" you speak of should come to you, the “Wanch Waggler”.
It is amazing to me that anyone would take the time to read this blog. For future reference you might want to try grammar check before posting your "newsworthy" stories. Additionally, since you lack the talent of creativity the next time you attempt to assign a pseudonym to someone you should do it a bit more adeptly.
If the Town of Southwest Ranches is going to be run by someone that remotely shares your sentiments then the Town deserves whatever it gets. I think that you would be more critical to the fact that Mr. Jablonski could not make-up his mind as to whether the Town was fiscally responsible or not. Volunteerism is great and rewarding and beneficial; however, it is not the sole criteria to judge whether someone is capable to be a sitting Council Member and by the looks of things and those currently holding seats maybe it is something that we need to examine a bit closer.
Hey Anonymous before you tell anyone to grammer check why don't you fact check!! I was at the debate where you? When Mr. Jablonski was asked if the town was fiscally responsible I believe the first word he spoke was was "absolutely", he then went on to explain how. Which part of absolutely is not affirmative to you. It's amazing how far off base people can be for no apparent reason other than to make people look bad for their own agenda.
@ Anonymous October 19, 2010 8:25 PM
"It is amazing to me that anyone would take the time to read this blog. For future reference you might want to try grammar check before posting your "newsworthy" stories. Additionally, since you lack the talent of creativity the next time you attempt to assign a pseudonym to someone you should do it a bit more adeptly."
And yet here you are, not only reading but writing on this blog as well. As Wanch Waggler once asked, "HELLO, HELLO, HELLO this thing on?"
Mee - Stop posting your blog - it will not stick here.
Hello Waggler, wonder if you could help me. I have noticed that a bunch of kids don't recieve the buss for Falcon Cove out west and thought maybe you could see about getting us a crossing guard at Bonaventure and Griffin Road. It is really dangerous and not safe.
Thanks a bunch.
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